Naruto is a very famous anime series by Masashi Kishimoto which has succeeded in entertaining and gaining a special place in the hearts of its fans. The stories from the Naruto manga series total 700 chapters and for the anime version, there are approximately 500 episodes. As well as presenting various kinds of stories and adventures that are very entertaining and there are positive values ​​and moral messages in them. Naruto Shippuden has now made a game version and can be played on various consoles such as Playstation (PS), Nintendo, PSP and PC / computer. And what’s even greater is that games that can only be played on PSP can now be played on an Android smartphone, however, it takes a few know-how steps to get this going on your Android phone. In this article on Naijaknowhow, you will learn how to install all Naruto Shippuden highly compressed ISO file (game) on your Android smartphone and play via PPSSPP. Let’s get right into it! Note: You basically need to download three files (links below) if you haven’t already downloaded them to get started – They include, the Zarchiver Apk to extract compressed ISO file, secondly, the PPSSPP Emulator to play the game and lastly, the Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 Mod ISO file. Simply follow the installation guide below:

How to Install Naruto Shippuden ISO File on Android PPSSPP  - 87How to Install Naruto Shippuden ISO File on Android PPSSPP  - 78How to Install Naruto Shippuden ISO File on Android PPSSPP  - 25How to Install Naruto Shippuden ISO File on Android PPSSPP  - 27How to Install Naruto Shippuden ISO File on Android PPSSPP  - 6